Johnny’s talent Toma Ikuta and actress Yuriko Yoshitaka will play the leads in an upcoming movie adaptation of a popular romance manga series, it was revealed on May 1, reports Oricon and Chunichi Sports. ( read here. )
Here's part 2! Oh, i didn't do any changes with the translations coz i'm in a hurry (in other words, i just did a copy-paste ;P). I'm actually studying for my finals. :3 Sorry for any grammatical errors you'll see and read. ;D
Johnny’s talents Toma Ikuta and Noriyuki Higashiyama showed off their woman characters in front of the press in Tokyo on February 2, reports Oricon. ( “I think I look quite cute.” )
Popular cosmetic brand shu uemura surveyed 500 men and women with the question, “Which celebrity do you want to spend Christmas with?” The survey was taken on November 1st, and the results have just recently been revealed.